Thursday, February 18, 2010

Living Missional!

Hello Bogosphere...

Well it is time to return to this Blog after many weeks of getting my feet on the ground at First Christian Church-Haysville, Ks. What a joy to serve in such a great Christ Community! This church has lived out what it truly means to love one another. "By this shall all men that you are my disciples!"

I love the church! With all its apparent shortcomings and the negative press in our world today the church is still God's plan to bring a world without Him into a loving relationship with Him!

Wikipedia describes church this way: "a religious organization made up of the congregation, clergy and its members maintaining offices and sometimes seeking non-profit status from the US government." This is not the entire description but not one that at all tells of the power, community, joy, encouragement, teaching, pure fellowship and simply enjoying being a part of the family of God. Unfortunately however, we have not been clear either in defining and sharing what the church is and we are the ones experiencing these things daily.

This is what being "missional" is all about, living our lives in such a way that when others encounter us they know we have been in the very presence of God. Missional church community members should be the most loving, caring, encouraging, giving people on the planet. I recently heard of a person in our faith community encountering a young man in a parking lot. She gave willingly to the person's need. She didn't know him, and frankly did not know if he was legitimately in need, but the Spirit of God spoke and she responded in generosity.

I love to hear stories of "missional living" especially from people who are just beginning their missional journeys.

Share your missional story here. Be an encouragement to others!!!


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