Normally I leave political issues alone, especially in forums such as this. However, I feel compelled to address the big news of the past couple of days. This is just an opinion of someone who looks at the world through the lens of the bible.
Usama Bin Laden is dead, killed by brave Americans who carried out a mission to eliminate Bin Laden. My hat goes off to those who serve and protect our great land. However, celebrating the death of anyone is taking it too far in my opinion. Here is my post on Facebook hours after the reports became public; “How do we celebrate as Christ Followers, the death of any human being, especially one that now finds himself in a Christless eternity? The bible tells us we all "deserve" death and eternity without Christ. But because of what we celebrated last Sunday, we enjoy the pure grace of God as He rescued us from an eternity of death and torment. I find no solace in the death of anyone, especially the tortured souls of deranged terrorists. Christ died for all human beings, even the Usama Bin Ladens of this world. Did he deserve death, did he receive his justice, only God knows the answer. I applaud the efforts of those who protect and serve our great country and I'm sure the world is a far better place without the hatred and terror men like Bin Laden perpetrate on others. But, to celebrate his death is simply taking it too far!”
Our great nation was founded by men and women who understood freedom and desired for all to have the basic human rights God intended for us. These freedoms have come under attack. I believe we need to defend ours and others’ freedoms and I have nothing but respect for our men and women fighting to protect us. But we descend to the depths of the terrorists when we celebrate in the streets the death of anyone. I am reminded of the parades and celebrations that occurred all across the Middle East on September 11, 2001. I pray our nation remembers the value of human life and the reason Christ died for men… even like Sadaam Hussein and Usama Bin Laden. I pray the USA remains a God-Blessed nation!
Be Blessed
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