Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 14th I attended a conference in Kansas City called "Turning the Church Inside-Out" with Reggie McNeal. I have to say I believe it was the best conference I've attended in a very long time. Not only did I get to share this experience with a good friend and brother from the church where I am Lead Pastor, but was able to let Reggie's message go deeper into my soul. I've read Reggie McNeal's books, I've heard him speak before, but never have I been able to focus and absorb the message that we must re-learn in order to be the church God created us to be. Looking at ministry through the lens of God's mission instead of the church's agenda is truly something I was not prepared. I will never be the same or be able to "settle" for the church ordinary again. I would highly encourage you to go to: Take the time to listen to this important message to the church. All we do must be done with an eye on those we are called to bless. Discipleship, corporate worship, bible studies, small groups must be viewed as something other than the final destination. We are called to bless others, therefore everything we do must be done with others in mind. We are called to feed the poor, care for the homeless and reach out to those we find ourselves each day coming into contact. The world is waiting for the church to be the church. As Reggie so aptly says, its not "my" "a" or "their" church it is "the" church! Wherever we go the church is in the house! Be the church where you are this day!

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