Friday, February 1, 2008

What's all the fuss about "missional church" anyway?

The latest buzz word for those endeavoring to be "current" in the world of church is the word MISSIONAL. I like the word. I like it for a couple of reasons... Let me share with you a defintion I happened upon a few years back. This definition is taken off the Off Ramp website.

A missional community is a group of Jesus’ apprentices who so trust his brilliance and mastery of life, that they learn from him how to be like him for the sake of the world. Through this apprentice/master relationship, the community journeys together to become the fullness of God and thereby become a finite earthly expression of the infinite Tri-Community just as Jesus was in his earthly life. A missional community is about becoming by grace what Christ is by nature. As the community experiences this, wherever the community members live their daily lives, they are learning how to easily, naturally, and routinely embody, demonstrate and announce God’s life and reign for the sake of the world around them.

I like this definition first because at its apex is the focus of Jesus as our Master-Teacher. Throughout scripture we find the one thing we are asked to be as His ambassadors in this world is disciplemakers. Before we attend committee meetings, before we plan our potlucks, before we stand in the pulpit, we are first and foremost to be disciplemakers. Disciplemakers learn from The Master, then pass along what they learn to others. What do they learn? Disciplemakers learn how to love God and how to love their neighbors! Not difficult, not complex, but a simple concept for anyone to grasp.

I like this definition for a second reason. Disciplemaking is the natural activity of "little christs" or Christians. As disciplemakers go about the everyday activities of their lives, the normal going and coming of living in their communities, they invest their lives in the lives of others.

I recently met a 2007 American Idol reality series finalist. I was struck by her genuine heart for others. She has been given a huge platform to "invest" her life into the lives of her many fans. She also lives her life behind the cameras the same way she lives in front of them. This talented young woman believes she has been given this platform as a gift to show others the character of Christ. We all have been given a platform. Our platforms are in our cubicles, in our classrooms, in factories and in busy traffic. Wherever we find ourselves we have an opportunity to be reflections of our Master in our everyday, ordinary crazy lives, displaying the unsurpassing love of Jesus Christ.

When my life is over, all I want to be said of me is this; "he was a disciplemaker" pure and simple! Afterall, what else can we do on this earth to invest in eternity? What else can we do to demonstrate our love and adoration of Jesus. What can we do that better replicates what Jesus did for us than to love others unconditionally and to give ourselves for them?

So, I guess all the buzz surrounding the word "missional" is a good thing as long as we understand the far-reaching implications of its meaning! The world is waiting for the church to begin being Jesus instead of simply talking about Jesus!

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