Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Preaching is such a joy. The people of First Christian Church in Haysville, Kansas are some of the most encouraging people I have ever had the good fortune to serve. I am passionate about truly being a “missional” Body of Christ! Your gratitude is overwhelming. I know you know, that God is the One who speaks and inspires, but I want to acknowledge that fact anyway. The true test of any sermon however is what people do with the words they hear on Sunday. I can remember early in my walk with Jesus that I would hang on every word the pastor spoke and try my best to live out what I heard him speak. I trusted my pastor to speak life into me each Sunday and to this day Pastor David Cone remains one of my most treasured inspirations. Being missional or being Jesus to the people we find ourselves crossing paths each day must be the driving force in our lives.

In order to be Jesus to others, we must ask, “What is God doing in my neighborhood, workplace, or school?” Then ask a second question, “In light of my gifts and resources, how does God want me to participate with Him?” Sounds simple enough, but the real test will be today, after you read this, when God brings someone into your life that has a need, something you have either in your heart or tangible resources for them, what will be your response?

My wife sent me a little inspirational story in an email this morning. If you have time click on site to see the clip (only takes about 3 or 4 minutes), to get an idea of one young man’s quest to really make a difference in others’ lives after hearing a speaker’s message and challenge.


I look forward to your story of missional influence in the world you find yourself!

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